All of Dubai's real estate data in one place
last transaction
206.32 B
rent amount
556.55 K
rent count
276.93 B
sales amount
96.07 K
sales count
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Waiting for the right time to buy, rent or sell? want to know how your price compares to others? We're here to help you make informed decisions with clean & reliable analytics with a free account you gain instant access to:
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AED 49 per month
Catered to property owners in dubai, a full portfolio suite, track your investments carefully with deep market data. we
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Automated property Management tools
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Propwise Lookout - track all relevant sales around you that can affect your properties sale value
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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate
We collect and aggregate all sides of Dubai's real estate market starting with all sales & rental data provided by the Dubai Land Department
We sort, and re-format every datapoint to a uniform scale, where our engine reprocesses them. Re-formatting is a crucial step in our process as we must ensure zero points of
We then analyse the data ingested, identify patterns with AI, Machine Learning tools, Data Analyts and Engineers can then refine and model our next analysis tool or build reports on the market